Wednesday 2 May 2012

Turner Prize

I have a dilemma as to whether I should feel guilty about the fact that I found out who the Turner Prize nominations were by reading the Daily Mirror. Should we be happy or sad that there yearly art-icle amounts to nothing more than a slight sneer at one of the nominees for changing their name to Spartacus  and once creating work featuring Jabba the Hut. No matter what they write you can always tell what they actually mean is THIS ISN"T PAINTING!!!!!, like a subliminal message that they don't need to write.
People getting upset about the nominations from a tabloid piece is probably preferable to total ignorance. My thoughts on the Turner prize are that it should get more and more controversial each year so that at some point in the future people will look at the nominations and hark back to the traditional mediums of 2012's nominations with a cheery 'it's no 'An Evening with Jabba the Hutt''.

So the nominations are - video installation artist Elizabeth Price, fine art draftsman Paul Noble, filmmaker Luke Fowler, and performance artistSpartacus Chetwynd.

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